Comments (5)
yeah this is pretty cool hard to understand at first but once you get it its good
yay awesome thanks you :)
yay a pirate game dont see many of these on here let me know when you guys have some screen shots up
Demo version of unfinished classic "Piratamalista"
1)You can Increase window of the game to a comfortable size;
2)Use these buttons to play:
Arrows - Movement;
Z - Melee Attack;
X - Range Attack (Use twice to make a double shot with pistols in the hands);
C - Dodge (Roll - escape from death, in some cases. Also this is fun);
E - Interact/Steal from the dead;
R - Restart (If you losing);
1 - Empty Hands;
2 - Bow (If you have bow and arrow)[Not available];
3 - Pistols(If you have one);
4 - Extras(Musket, Stone, Bomb, Spear and etc.)
3)Do whatever you want;
4)Let me know what you think!
Developed by Killing Time studio
XpMonster - programmer, artist, designer, scenarist, voice actor;
Robert Menus - composer, voice actor, sound producer.
#xpmonster #pirates #adventure
The development of this game will not be continued.
It remains on this website for history's sake.
This game eventually pushed me towards "serious approach" to the whole game-design process & with it changed my mindset, faced me directly with flaws of my inner self & led me to create my universe. While original Piratamalista will remain on this unfinished way, similar theme & atmosphere might appear in my future works within the universe. After all E.X-World is fairly open to all kind of settings.
If you want to join in for something truly great & see as I uncover more information about it with future opportunities to influence the development process, please do consider following me on my social pages. Let's build universe together!
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Empyrean_DEV
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/empyreangames/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/empyreangames/
VK (Empyrean Games) - https://vk.com/empyreangames
VK (The Empyrean Narrative) - https://vk.com/theempyreannarrative
~ XpMonster
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans