
First Blood
You killed something! It's ok, I won't tell.

The Right Tool for the Job
You crafted a tool, go smash something!

You crafted your first block! isn't amazing what two blocks and a hammer can create?

Skilled Student
got a skill to level 5, a nice start.

Secret Crafter
Discovered a secret block, way to try something new!

Bomb Maker
Made a Fusion Bomb, it's not rocket science.

Chest Finder
Found a supply chest, finders keepers!

Lights On!
Placed a generator, let there be light!

Tree Cutter
Cut down a tree. It's just the one, right?

You fixed part of your pod, fixed it good.

Good Night Moon
You made your bed and slept in it! Even robots can get tired.

Wired Connection
You sent power through cables! Just don't shock yourself.

Tower Defense
You placed a sentry, shiny!

Skilled Apprentice
You got a skill up to level 10, keep studying kiddo!

Skilled Journeymen
Got a skill up to level 20. Now you can apply that to a suitable trade job.

Skilled Master
Got a skill up to 30 eh? show off.

Boom Boom Pow
Created a chain of explosions, BOOM!

Stone Finder
Found an ancient inscription, good thing it's in English.

Trained killer
Killed 100 Hostiles, they should revoke your a license.

Chest Raider
You found 20 supply chests, you must be loaded!

Seasoned Killer
Killed 300 hostiles! Seems messy...

Digging Deeper
You went underground for the first time. It's dark down here!

Complete Toolbelt
You made every craftable tool, you could smash almost anything!

Digging Deeperer
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Digging Deeperest
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Hellishly deep
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Good as New
You fixed the pod completely, now just don't break it again.

You Shall Pass!
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WIP Complete
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