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Playhear Player: One

Version: 1.1.0over 3 years ago
Mac Above OSX10.13 Win 64bit

Music can be more than linear tracks!

Here's the first opus of the Playhear Players! It is called One. And it is an interactive music player, with controls over moods, effects and other fancy ways to play my custom semi procedural composition. This first opus celebrates the beginning of a series of innovative and unprecedented musical experiences.

Playhear is a project I'm working on for which the focus is on interactive music. I'm actually developing a game called Square Paper City in this series.

And because I need some support over the process, I thought that it would be cool to invent a new way to compose, play and share my music. This is what the Playhear Players are about: make bi monthly custom interactive music players.

Now, and if you liked this, head to my Patreon in order to support the creation of all these unique interactive music stuff!

#altgame #music #interactivemusic #experimental


Hi there!

​I just pushed an update for my first Playhear Player!

Here are the changes:

- All Tweak controls have now visual effects

- There's a new auto mode for controlling the mood parameters

- Better sounds

- Bug fixes