Comments (10)
Hello all!
I've been trying for the past year and a half to share this game with Markiplier without any results (I've posted on live streams, comments, twitter and what not). I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to better to increase the chances of him to see this game. Please do not get me wrong, it does not matter to me if it ends up on YouTube or not; just knowing he enjoyed it (or at least knows of its existence) is enough for me :3
How did you make trophies work?
Check out my latest News Update in order to see how you can have an even bigger hand in the development of this game's story! :D Since The second chapter may be closer to being completed, I may be trying to catch Mark again by message bombardment XD
Maybe you can add "skip" for the "Draw mi life" scene, one moment I die and continue from save, I need to listen the whole story again :)
This is fairly well put together, thanks for making this, refreshing to see a game on here that isnt thrown together in 20 mins lol
Play My Life: Markiplier Chapter 1
Drive through the story of Mark's life; but through a much darker lens.
- Prologue
- Chapter 1: "His Name Was Wade"
Play My Life: Markiplier (Chapter 2)
Package includes Prologue, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2!
Over the years, a certain trend started to appear; The "Draw My Life" Trend. However, what if the stories you were told, were not the truth and the real truth was sentenced to be wiped clean?
If you like the header artwork of Markiplier's drawing, check CreativeCarrah out!
This Game takes place in the year 2024. (This game has been set to not generate any revenues).
Game Content
Game Segment | Release Date | # of Downloads
Game Concept | Summer 2013 | N/A
Early Development | Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 | N/A
Play Testing | Spring 2015 to Fall 2015 | N/A
Prologue | Oct 04 2015 | 56
Prologue Patch | Oct 10 2015 | 54
Chapter 1 Alpha | Mar 26 2016 | 36
Chapter 1 ~ His Name Was Wade | Aug 31 2016 | 49
Chapter 2 Special Key Release | Dec 31 2016 | 5
Chapter 2 ~ Here Comes Bob | Mar 13 2017 | TBD
Chapter 3 ~ The Contingency | TBA | TBD
Chapter 4 ~ The Twist | TBA | TBD
Chapter 5 ~ The Truth Prevails? | TBA | TBD
Epilogue | TBA | TBD
Welcome to PROGRAM.
Most Recent Game Update!
The second chapter of the game is complete and playable! The whole game is around 3 hours long currently if not rushed. The third chapter is in the making :3. Please rate and leave comments since that helps me know how to shift the game; if you do not mind of course. If you have any suggestions and/or wants to see within the game, please let me know as well! Have an awesome day! :D
What is PROGRAM?
Officially established in the fall of 2013, PROGRAM is a genetic research firm. For years, PROGRAM has been researching ways of brain enhancements, memory transfers as well as advanced technological research and construction.
Within 11 years, PROGRAM was able to create many paths to what seems to be the 'new future' for humanity. A breakthrough in memory storage and transfer put PROGRAM at the top of the funding list and on the speed dial of many institutions and organizations.
PROGRAM's latest breakthrough is a device called MemSync. This device allows the saving, altering and transfer of a subject's memory. It has the ability to hinder current skills as well as genetically enhance skill development.
PROGRAM is currently working on making the MemSync able to transfer knowledge and skill sets between humans; either fully transfer or create duplicates within subjects.
With such a breakthrough, PROGRAM decided to expand its research into the creation of the "close to perfection" society of humans; transferring memories into humanoids that have been altered to surpass the current human form.
Although still in testing mode, PROGRAM has went as far as to start their own production of humanoids. However, transfer of memories/consciousness has not been officially confirmed ... yet.
This game started in around 2013 - 2014. The contents of this game are based on Markiplier out of admiration and in no way is it meant to be disrespectful or insulting. I have tried to contact Mark (Markiplier) several times in the past few months in order to see what he thought of the game so far and whether or not I should continue building it. Unfortunately, I have not heard from him (I hope that one day he gets to play this game, and is not angry that some of his footage made it into the game [I have even disabled ads so I am not making any money off of this and the music is supposedly royalty free]). I truly hope that you enjoy this game! I look forward to reading your constructive comments and pointers :)
#Trophies #Achievements #RPG #PROGRAM #Markiplier #Jacksepticeye #Wade #Bob #Fangame
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mature Humor