Alright, so based on a request (it was more like an issue within the game that I tried to have the save button cover-up) by DarkTaurus, I started looking for a way to allow you (the players) the ability to skip cutscenes/movies that would appear within the game. It seems that I was able to find a guide but the coding seems to be a bit off (either that or I just did not understand it). Now it may work and it may not work so I will have to test it and play around with it a bit. I will try my best to make it happen and have it combined with the Trophe patch I am working on. I do appologise that a small task such as these two is taking time to arrive (I will not post up excuses) but I will continue to try my best to get them up as soon as possible. :)
As always,
Have an awesome day! :D
*If you have any suggestons you wish to see in the game, please let me know via leaving a comment on the game page. This way I can add it to my to-do list and release a minor update featuring all of these small patches instead of only a patch.