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Pnj nights office demo ES
La office beta del juego en español(nada mas xd)
Pnj nights office demo ENG
The office demo of pnj nights xd

ENG:A simple fnaf fan game in which you take the role of a night guard, and you will face fierce animatronics in search of blood. The graphics are made with pure stock images. I hope you enjoy the game
ESP:Un simple fan game de fnaf en el cual tomas rol de un guardia nocturno,y te enfrentaras a feroses animatronicos en busca de sangre.
Los graficos estan echas con puras imagenes de stok.Espero disfrutes el jueg #fnaf #fangame #fnaf
Intense Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Graphic Sexual Themes