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Pongsong Demo

Version: 0.1.0almost 5 years ago

Pongsong answers the question "What if pong was a rhythm game?" Hit the ball to the beat, and try to keep up! There is only one song in this demo, but if people like it I might add more.


Credit to EurosAndCents on SoundCloud for the soundtrack in this demo! Go check out his other songs!

#rhythm #other #pong

Please leave your feedback, positive or otherwise.


You know that thing that happens when you are coding something on the side, and then it doesn't work, but instead of giving up, you take it as a challenge and keep working on it so hard that you forget you have a Game Jolt page for like 2 weeks?

Yeah that

Don't worry, I didn't forget about this game! I just made half of a new level, realized it was way too hard, and started a new one to go in between them.

If people want it, I might release the really hard level first. I mean, who needs difficulty curves?