Comments (26)
I love the graphics. I Included it in part 5 of my Ludum Dare 31 compilation video series, if you would like to check it out :) http://youtu.be/-qEX6yeW8uQ
Love the art. Good luck with your entry, it's shit-tastic! :D
ok WTF
Nice use of the theme and good execution of a classic concept. The game's actually deceptively easy - the amount of times I got a score of 2 was embarrassing! Also, Steffen Wittig's art is incredible as always :)
Hah I'm a bit "Poop" at this game. Love the graphics style. Neat job.
Poo Dee Pie
This is our horribly inappropriate game for a Jam entry into Ludum Dare 31.
Press "R" to start dee horrible game.
Press "P" to Poo Dee Pie.
Press "R" to restart from game over.
WOOHOO: Dee horrible game now has a high score leaderboard! If you manage to Poo Dee Pie all dee way to dee top of dee leaderboard, please tweet us a screenshot: @SteffenWittig @Kintinue
WTF: Dee idea for Poo Die Pie stems from some of Ben's real life experiences while working in a Pie factory for 6 months, way back in his university days. And that's about all he's willing to say about it!
In Poo Dee Pie you are Mr. Fartsmith, a factory worker in charge of “pooing dee pies” by pressing dee poo button. Pressing dee button allows a hot, steamy pile of poo to land on the pie! If you forget to poo'ing dee pie or you poo'ing the conveyer belt, you’re fired!... Again...
Poo Dee Pie also features two other main characters: "Dropped Dead Fred", dee bouncy little rodent and gorgeous widdle "Mr. Bogbody" who holds dee world record for "Most Poo Dee Pies ever consumed by a Cat".
Developed for Ludum Dare 31, Poo Dee Pie is an entire game on one screen as per dee theme "Entire Game on One Screen".
STEFFEN WITTIG: Game Developer of "Depri-Horst", "Explodey BAM!", cartoonist, sound designer, web developer, YouTuber, voice actor. http://steffenwittig.com/, https://twitter.com/SteffenWittig.
For Poo Dee Pie: Art / UI / Sound Design.
BEN PLEDGER: Founder of Blue Thumbs Gaming: Game Designer / Developer. http://bluethumbs.gamerz.co/, https://twitter.com/thumbsblue .
For Poo Dee Pie: Designer / Developer.
KINTINUE: YouTuber, Let’s Player, Gaming Girl. https://www.youtube.com/kintinue, https://twitter.com/kintinue.
For Poo Dee Pie: Blogger / Promoter.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Crass Humor