
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Haha, I figured it out! I couldnt really find an easter egg, but it was an interesting game non-the-less. I included it in part 3 of my Easter Egg Jam compilation video series, if you'd like to give it a look :)

The game doesnt run?

Well, the time wasnt extended, to let you know, the timer on the page was off by 24 hours (it was a four day jam, I just had issues understanding what midnight belongs between what days) sorry bout that.

FLAPPY FLOPPY! I found it, the pong was driving me crazy the ai speed means you will never score nice Easter egg though!

Damn this is hard, i couldn't get a single point :P



Version: 4.5.0almost 11 years ago

Poppy is sick of trying to meet everybody's high expectations all the time. Poppy just wants to be free.


W/Up arrow - Up

S/Down arrow - Down

P - Pause

Found the "secret"? Tweet @EpicWinningMaz and let me know! :)

This is my first submission to a game jam and also the first thing I have written in C#. I hope you like it :).


NOTE: Quick play does not seem to be working :(.



Easter Egg Hint

Pressing pause will give you a hint :)

Easter Egg

Found the “secret Easter Egg” yet? Tweet @ [ ]EpicWinningMaz and let me know! :)



*Poppy is sick of trying to meet everybody’s high expectations all the time. Poppy just wants to be free.*
