
Comments (38)

What do you think?

Duuuuude this is pretty cool! Congrats. Gotta love the art. Reminded me a lot of OFF but with its own style.

It looks a bit like OFF.

Wow this game was actually an amazing short rpg with a great story to it and I love the romance between Donnie and Julie great job! ^0^

this game was so great wow wow! I actually saw the sprite for Canisma on tumblr a reaaal long time ago and fell in love with it. it's real cool I was able to play the game eventually! the story was really captivating; I was making assumptions about everything all throughout the game and was really surprised at the end! I enjoyed a lot of the characters too and I think the cool demon shop keepers were my fav haha. everything about this game is so great, but the music was reeeeal good. the boss battle music got me so pumped! great game and I recommend it wholeheartedly!

I cant even play the game
I can only extract stuff pls help



Version: 1.0.0almost 12 years ago

Porterminus with RTP

Version: 1.0.0almost 12 years ago

Porterminus Mac port

Version: 1.0.0almost 12 years ago

Porterminus is a spooky RPG made by supajackle.

It follows the story of a girl named Julie, her boyfriend Donnie, and a mysterious cat.

Warning: Although the graphics are all pixel art, it has rather intense body horror, please keep that in mind before deciding to play.

It was made using RPG Maker VX Ace, so to play you need the Run Time Package, or RTP.

Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

This account is long past dead, but if you have any interest in following my work please check out:

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