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Power Domain

Version: 1.3.0over 5 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Last Stand Lets Go by Peachtea

They don't stop coming....
They never stop coming...
Wave after wave the swarm of drones, sent by some unseen and unknown power.
It's only us now.

Thank God that we can use the parts from the swarms that we have been able to take down.

Its sort of funny, actually, that we can use the very drones sent to kill us to build the giant electromagnetic disruptors that we can use to defend ourselves. The disruptors let us down the drones without destroying their valuable electromagnetic cores. Too bad these defensive towers require so much energy to power.

The last wave destroyed all but our power base. Hopefully we have time to build out enough power nodes and defensive towers to fend off the next wave, and survive another day... or even another hour.

Our scientists think if we can surround the portals with the disruptors we may be able to close them... lets hope.


Created for Extra Credits Game Jam 4
Extra Open - Source code (MIT license):
Extra Monochromatic - Hue = 203

WebGL version not recommended for Opera browser - works great in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox though.

#towerdefense #godot #godotengine #opensource #energy #power #electric #drone #defense #topdown #extragamejam #gamejam #extracredits #ecjam #extragamejam4 #casual #arcade #wave #bee #bees #bugs #monochromatic #cc0 #mit #mitlicense #armageddon #laststand #portal #swarm

Fantasy Violence

Version 1.3.0 now available! You can no longer build electrical nodes and towers on top of other each other - making it a little but harder to cheat ;-)

Version 1.2.3 fixes black background issues for integrated graphics cards and makes the game load a lot faster. Now available for all desktop platforms and web.

Coming soon: defense tower upgrades

Power Domain v1.2.0 now available for all desktop platforms!

* adds health bars to enemies
* adds health bars to buildings
* fixes bug with keyboard scrolling when autroscroll is off