Comments (13)
Dis game no work
This game win
Oh my god this actually scared me
And also you can click the loading bar to skip fake loading.
Oh come on, I actually waited for it to load...
SALE ONLY $999 Free Download
The standard of Mobile gaming, and the world's hardest typing game.
*Speed issues? go here then hit F11 **http://vendalenger.hs.vc/ProgSimPro/*
The professionally made game about you, a programmer. You spend your entire life hitting your head againts the keyboard, patching bugs and making additions to your code.
To be added:
Actual Scoreboard
More Particles
Death animations (fired, shot)
Menus / Game modes
Hacker mode (Missile launches, NSA hacking)
This game is a re-code of my other game "Programming Simulator 2014" due to messy code and copyrighted music.
And also you can click the loading bar to skip fake loading.
Also check out Firelog simulator with the idea ripped off of Programming Simulator 2014, also saying vendalenger.hostei.com where the new one is vendalenger.co.nf