
Comments (12)

What do you think?

I really enjoyed playing your game, I always wish for some rpg-like horror game with the retro style of horror games, and this one just hits the spot! here's my vid on it

This was awesome and I really want it to be a full game! VERY GOOD for an alpha version. It ran super well and I didn't encounter any glitches. I liked that there was an inventory menu and collectible items along the way. The graphics style was amazing, I love pixelated horror games. The puzzles were clever, but not the hardest in the world. You literally just had to pay attention (unlike me) and you'd get them no problem. It took me a little longer to figure them out but I'm a dumb. I had to use a controller. I'm not sure if that's because I had one plugged into the PC or not, but it'd be cool to have options to use controller or kb/mouse in the future. The ambiance was that uneasy silence until you got to certain moments in the game, which really let me know when I was safe and when I was not. I guess it's just my opinion, but I like to feel scared throughout the entire game. ANYWHO, I loved it. Thanks for making this and I really hope you continue development on it!

Parece interesante ;)

Great game so far I can defiantly see the inspiration from resident evil.

hi, big thx for this great game-demo. i love it :) greetings from germany



Version: 0.7.1over 6 years ago

This is a very early prototype of my upcoming game now known as CONSCRIPT. The game has changed substantially since this demo. Nothing in this demo will really be present in CONSCRIPT - it's more a practice game that helped me learn game development.

However, if you are still curious about the early origins of the project, feel free to enjoy this very early-in-development slice of game play!

Follow here for development updates:


Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Drug Reference

​A demo of my upcoming game Conscript will be available to download on June 16th. This demo will coincide with a Kickstarter campaign on the same day.

You can check out the Kickstarter prelaunch page here:…

Thank you all!

Unfortunately Project Abel as you know is no more, but it has morphed into a bigger and better project called CONSCRIPT! If anybody reading this is curious, you can follow updates for CONSCRIPT here:

There will be a demo soon!

Official ALPHA Demo now released! (v0.7.0)

The official alpha demo is now available! This demo is a significant upgrade from the last and features new mechanics and a re-configured university area. Enjoy!

New Demo Available!

V2 of the Project Abel Demo is now out. This one is an updated version of the previous demo with new rooms, weapons, items and secrets. Many bugs have been fixed and small QOL improvements have been made. Enjoy!