
Comments (12)

What do you think?

game is good but i dont like this game style (game is good but i will dont play it) good work

i tryed it and its good game

Hey there! So first things first, I absolutely love your game. It's specifically what I like when it comes down to this kind of games. Keep it up!

As for one question I have to address, will saves be ported from old versions to newer ones? As in I currently have a save on Alpha 2.0.0. Will it port to Alpha 2.1.0?

Also, a suggestion for better communication with the community, I highly suggest making a Discord server or something the likes of that since it can greatly help developer-player interaction. Cheers!

Hey, your game sounds awesome! I’d recommend doing the following to turn it into a bigger success on Game Jolt!

1. Post about your game, news and updates in as many communities as it makes sense! Communities like Game Dev or Arts n Crafts will get your posts in front of thousands of users! Find more communities here:
2. Write a bio on your profile. A complete profile always looks more legitimate in the eyes of the community. This is a great place to add in your website or other social channels.
3. Post and update your followers frequently to stay on their radar! 
4. Set up a beautiful header :D


Project: Island of Resources Alpha

Version: 3.1.0over 3 years ago
Alpha version for try and get feedback.

Can you imagine being trapped on an island located very far away from society ?

And your only way to survive axe?!

Welcome to this unseen island, where you can collect resources, explore the world, repair ancient structures and find...too much wood!

Do you dare to discover the secrets that this island have to show you?

#adventure #rpg #sandbox #strategy #survival

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Besides selling materials, you can help people in the island by completing requests.

Don't be greedy, it's ok to help people sometimes!

Maybe you can get rewards by doing that...

You can restore your health by either going to an inn or eating apples that fall occasionally from trees.

What is the difference?

Inn costs money, apples are free!

So...where can I store my stuff?

In your house you can access to the storage menu, you can store or take your materials, even check how many you have in stock.

You can carry limited materials, so this will be very useful for you to manage your inventory.

Be careful, there are some creatures that maybe would want to kill you...but they can't if you kill them before that!

Creatures will evolve, at the beginning they will be pacific, but if you don't bother them, eventually they'll become more aggresives.

Why do I need that wood?!

You can use it to repair structures and make them your home, among other features. Also, some NPC would love to buy it, maybe if you sell enough, they will make progress on the world.


One of the main features of this project is gather resources, the most common will be the wood, so I'm looking forward to make the experience of cutting trees down an enjoyable task.

I don't want to make you zzz while playing!

Hi GameJolt,

Posts originally were thought to be posted in Spanish, but I've finally decided post the game's progress on English...plot twist!

According stadistics, game is reaching english speakers and I want you all to be updated. So, enjoy updates!


Hay una posibilidad que de los arboles caigan manzanas de distintos tipos que pueden curar diferentes cantidades de salud, va a ser uno de los principales recursos que necesitarás para recuperar vida.

¡Una dieta a base de manzanas!

Las bestias alrededor del mundo podrán ser derrotadas, lo que te den como recompensa dependerá de la etapa en que se encuentren.

Una de las principales recompensas es el pelaje de bestia, podrás venderlo a ciertos NPC o utilizarlo para algunos objetos :D

¡Qué vida más tranquila, ¿no?!

La vida de tu personaje va a ser un factor importante a tener en cuenta, ya que si llega a 0, pues...¡GG WP!

Cuando vayas a dormir para pasar el día no se recuperará, solo podrás curarte cuando consumas ciertos objetos.