
Comments (18)

What do you think?

And this one too...

This will be the greatest game ever made :3

Hey man, think I could help playtest?


You have been sent out to sea on a new Cargo Ship, your main tasks arrange from sorting out items, freight and cleaning up the ship, all very boring tasks, however the Captain has recently given you a new assignment if you wanna up your pay, look after some old animatronics, make sure parts can be salvaged, and overall making sure nothing bad happens to them, oblivious to what they truly are, you accept the offer, not realizing that you have now risked your life...


Project: Red Sea is an unofficial sequel to The Web of Cogs and Oil, somewhat continuing on what was left off all the way back in 2019/2020, this is of course no way cannon to the new lore ViTCH is making and is no way involved with the game whatsoever.


@ViTCH : TWOCAO Creator

@jacko_gametime1245 : Ideas, Suggestions and Concept Artist.

@Skyeevg : Concept Artist.

@TheGiveUpBoy : Beta Tester.

@Fan37 : Beta Tester.

@SantiXDPorquerito : Concept Artist.

Blenderkit: Some props.


#fnaf #horror #fangame #survival #thewebofcogsandoil

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

(Read Article)

As a fun little bonus section, should I remake one of the minigames from the original The Web of Cogs and Oil?

If so, which one would it be?

The future of my games: Project: Red Sea

(Post 2/5)

Develog 1