Ten Sequential Spots!
You got to ten correct spots in the pattern on Slow Speed.
25 Spots!?
You got 25 spots correct in the sequence on Slow Speed.
75 Spots!
Holy cow, man! You reached 75 spots in the sequence on Slow Speed!
100 Masochistic Spots!
You reached 100 Spots on Normal or Fast Speed!
200 Masochistic Spots!
How did you even get this Achievement?
Beat the Sequence!
You have beat Psymon's Sequence on Slow Speed! You should try Normal or Fast Speed now!
300 Masochistic Spots!?
You are burning through this game!
400 Masochistic Spots?
Are you cheating? Seriously, how are you doing this?
You have destroyed Psymon!
Achieve this trophy to view the description.