
Ptolem's Singing Catacombs
WASD - movement
QE - turn left and right
Shift + Mouse or QE - free look left and right
LCTRL or LMB (hold) - attack
Space - echolocate
R - open chest
T - open/close inventory
H - output health
B - output protection
Inventory Controls
WS - scroll up and down
AD - switch tabs
Q - drop item
E - equip/unequip item, drink potion, spend skill point
R - examine object
Audio Compass:
Your character's heartbeat indicates direction. It pitches up and down the more north and south you face and pans right and left the more east and west you face.
Echolocating plays syllables of sound. There are tiers of distance that correspond to these. 'aa' means something is 0 to 2 meters in front of you, 'ee' means 2 to 8, and 'oo' means 8+. Notice they are in alphabetical order. These syllables play more rapidly the closer you are to something. Also, consonants are added if something interesting is in front of you; 'n' for enemy, 'f' for friendly, 'k' for interactable, and 'l' for loot. So, for example, if an enemy is 3 meters in front of you, echolocating will play the sound 'nee' repeatedly.
Side Awareness:
An ambient windy sound plays in your ear if there is an opening that way. E.g. a corridor to your right and a wall to your left will result in the sound playing in your right ear.
A footstep sound plays every meter you step. Listen to the echo of your steps to tell when you're at an intersection or in a large room.
if you're wielding a melee weapon and an enemy is within 2 meters of you, hold LMB or CTRL to auto attack. If you're holding a range weapon or spell and an enemy is in front of you at any distance, hold LMB or CTRL to auto attack. Keep in mind spells have splash damage, so you can get hurt if you're too close.
Inventory has four tabs: current equipment, backpack, stats, and journal. When you open your inventory you go to your backpack, which has your current items.
You have three stats, melee, ranged, and magic, which increase the amount of damage you do with each type of weapon.
Also, protection from equipped armor reduces the amount of damage you take.