Comments (6)
Sections are terribly difficult and exaggerated
glad to hear that your games are actually being worked on alot of people in the gamejolt community just upload games and then make a second one and do not correct there games problems.
this game has a really fun and interesting concept but at this point of early access it is a basic platform runner hope to see
a lot of interesting ideas i have played your other games and they are okay but this has potential
Really fun, addictive and fucking frustrating! cool game!
Purrfect Jumping
Jump - (SPACEBAR) or (UP) arrow key
Sprint - Right
A simple but addictive game which involves jumping from building to building and collecting a variety of items for points such as birds, fish and catnip.
Includes a variety of fun secrets within the game such as gore mode or hidden rooms.
Don't forget the cat puns XD please tell me if there are too meowch of them :/
There is still a lot of work that is needed to be done in this game which will be achievable when I get a new computer.
Please provide feedback and if you enjoyed the game give it a "Purrfecto" rating ;)
If you would also like to contribute to the game via Kickstarter please send me a message just so I can see how many people would like to help.
#fun #endlessrunner #endless #distance #cat #puns #jump #meow #8bit #goremode #gore #blood #cute #catnip