Comments (29)
This is just fucking INSANE. I've been a pvz fan for so long (since 2010). This just takes me back so much, good work man.
This was the best mod for me. really eye catching to play
stupid firefox file
plase update for pvz ue

Plants vs. Zombies Ultimate Edition
Game Soundtrack

Plants vs. Zombies Ultimate Edition
Plants vs. Zombies Ultimate Edition is a high-effort texture/animation/music/text/misc mod for Plants vs. Zombies that changes the looks of the entire game. The mod references a multitude of popular memes and media, some less-known stuff too, as well as having original characters, all tied under a single framework to provide a fun, funny and amusing gameplay experience!
Disclaimer: This project was initially meant to remain private forever until a series of unfortunate circumstances caused me to release it. As such, there are various unfinished aspects of the mod that I will not be working further on as the project is technically discontinued.
#pvz #ultimateedition #stefan25897 #plantsvszombies #ultimate #edition #other #mod #towerdefencse #arcade