
Comments (3)

What do you think?

looks promising

So there are somethings that need to be added to make the game better like there should be a options menu and a pause button, the plants need more animation, and the sun is sometimes hard to click on.

Will this come out soon also I hope it is good

Plants Vs Zombies: OtherWorld is a game where plants fight with zombies. Plants always win. Pretty cool, right? Well Zomboss didn't like it, so he transported you, Dave and Penny into different place, will they be able to escape it?

#fangame #towerdefence #pvz #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Ok, so you probably already guessed, but this game is frozen. I don't see point in releasing what I currently have(just levels up to 2-21), but I sure will return one day to release a full 32-level map. In other worlds, sorry for giving you false hope.

Sorry, I only now noticed lack of updates on game, so here's a cropped screenshot of a map!

Сорри, только сейчас заметил отсутствие обновлений по игре так что отправляю обрезанный скриншот карты.

Well, I did it. Demo for Chapter 2 is released. Let's just hope that the build doesn't blow up or something.

Ну, это случилось, демо 2-ой главы выпущено. Давайте надеяться, что билд не взорвётся или что-то типа того.

It happened! 1st Chapter of Plants Vs Zombies: OtherWorld is finally released!

Это случилось! 1-ая Глава Растений Против Зомби: Другой Мир наконец-то выпущена!

Good news, everyone. I finally finished making levels for 1st location and can now share a map and get to other important stuff(music, polishing the game, side-content, etc.) In other words, get ready because 1st chapter will come out in 3 weeks or less)