Comments (4)
I know its a basic demo at the moment but is the version for free to try much different? I ask because I like the game so far I would like to see more but none of the doors are solid I can just drive through them. Also the movement control is different when I am reversing, The movement seems reversed than a usual tracked movement.
Looks graphically interesting but do you have a small demo we can try out first?

In the year 2057, the civilization as we know it is going through a paradigm. We are at the height of artificial intelligence at the same time that Earth suffers a great wave of natural disasters of catastrophic proportions.
A robotics company seems to be a part of it all. The Lab Recycle Center has years of market experience developing automated recycling machines and this includes a self-contained and very clever little robot called the Pyramid.
Pyramid was the company's icing cake, representing its advertising image world wide, while there on the factory floor he was just a simple attendant. Despite being a very good robot, after a while, he became outdated and others were already ready to take his place.
The adventure begins on the fateful day when Pyramid is set to be discarded. At the end of the day at Lab, the site suffered a major earthquake, which ruined the factory and part of the environment where the launch of the Pyramid substitute should take place the day after.
And behold, our robotic polyhedron reestablishes its energy and wakes up in the middle of the factory debris. With all your work accomplished, Pyramid has developed a much greater intelligence than your builders imagined and now only you can help you to solve these serious problems.

Technology advances, but at what cost?
The game is a 3D metroidvania set in an almost post-apocalyptic world, starting with the factory, now dark and devastated, where the protagonist was built.
Pyramid should start from his place of eviction and do what he always did best, help. But now, the danger is in the whole world and he knows it and you will be in control.

Post-Apocalyptic Cyberpunk World
Dark and Mysterious Environment
Dramatic and heart touching soundtrack
Gigantic factory to be explored
Environmental message

Early Access
The current version of the game relies only on a small piece of the ground floor of the factory. To reach the end of this long story, we need everyone's help. All feedback is welcome. The more people adhere to our ideal, the faster we will save Pyramid's world.
The complete planning of the factory and the history of the game count on more than 100 rooms distributed in 4 floors with thousands of challenges, obstacles and tools for the Pyramid.
More robots. No one said that Pyramid is alone in this, right?
Multiplayer mode so that several small robots can destroy each other, amicably.
Customizations. We would like every player to have their own Pyramid, and that's pretty cool.
Soundtrack for you to feel deeply the danger of this dark future.