Comments (93)
ULB Sans In DustTrust?

i didnt think that this was possible
does every game using TML's engine have the curse of being impossibly difficult??
Phase 2 is wicked and the presentation is awesome! Unfortunately it also suffers terribly from being too reliant on RNG...even worse than Phase 1. I could list a couple of different instances of where RNG will kill you even if you can dodge well, such as but not limited to:
Direction of sword slashes (Present everywhere but the worst is 2nd final attack)
Sword shards trajectory and placement (3rd final attack)
Missile bones placement (3rd final attack)
Quantity of sword slashes (final attack)
Placement of platforms (final attack, and btw, sometimes the platforms may spawn OUTSIDE the playable field...)
Bone colour type (1st attack)
For example, I'll show the 2nd last attack (worst one). The final portion, you're forced to move left because of the blasters, but he also spam sword slashes...what if he spams them sideways like this? How do you even dodge it without getting hit? Trust me you can't move up or down, the next few blasters will hit you and kill you also.
But then when he slashes diagonally, all of a sudden, wow, you can dodge it!
This shouldn't be how a fight is structured. It is good for attacks to be random to avoid a "one solution movement" problem, but it is bad if it becomes a "if he slashes horizontally I'm basically dead no matter what"
Welp, it's still a good game regardless, but the balancing factor is quite disappointing... even FDY's games, which are known for being "unbalanced" is more structured than this, because not all attacks are randomised.
it was just to know if you could decrease the damage of the phase 3 in normal mode because there are 3 places where it is impossible to survive
<Dustswap : DusTTrust> Remake by QK
Game Soundtrack
This is an Undertale Fangame made by UNDERTALE ENGINE BY GAMEMAKER:STUDIO2

A story of the murders,gradually came to an end in the dusts and blades
The last battle against Sans finally begins,but some how,it has a little change....
Its plot is based on TeamDusttrust,but it only changes a short dialogue LOL
Undertale by Toby Fox
DustTrust by Sawsk
Undertale: Disbelief by FlamesAtGames
DustTale by 더스트테일
Underswap by popcornpr1nce (Actual owner: hatsune miku)
This is a remake game for my previous game:
At that time I didn’t have a gamejolt account, it was @MoRoZ_549 who helped me publish the game here.

Official Game by TeamDusttrust
Game Programming by me
Team Dustswap:Dusttrust by @Sawsk_OFFICIAL
Sprites by 天衫(UI) ,Sankous(button) , CaixiaoE(dt 3 sans and papyrus) , Pure(story panels),硕哒(,sans phase1&2,UNDERSWAP SANS),CFA(ULB SANS),GREAT 231(NTT DJship)

,Kam(OverWorld Frisk),Segoe(OverWorld corridor),Vance(Chinese Logo),Taco(Sans'dialog face)
Music by Nickolas and @BenyiC03
Text by 希土
undertale engine by @TML
bullet design and help: Xamid_Vll(murdersans97)
skills support:1个渣渣

1 .Now you can choose diffculty in settings system
2. Fixed some bugs
3 .Phase2&3 has been translated in ENGLISH
4.Remaked the CreditsRoom
5.There'll be a new intro between phase2&3
6. in the fifth turn in phase 1, your soul will get two shields,you can hold [A] and [D] to control the longer shield,and [W][S] to control short one.
If there is any missing content, I will add it later
The game is currently in beta
Phase 4 coming soon~
Welcome to download and play
Any suggestions and comments please put forward in the comment area
Please continue to follow this game~
Thanks for playing!
#fangame #rpg #puzzl #platformer #Undertale #Dustswap #Dusttrust