Comments (22)
Simple but well done. I included it in part 42 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/z8XQgsJ5Xyk
its a awesoem game but its so hard
My highest score till now is 1345! See if you can beat it!
Really fun to play and pretty addictive, also very tricky.
The soundtrack is awesome and I like the variety of sound effects :) !
A little note to the players: Don't forget to view the controls (Options>Controls) or you'll have a hard time playing :P.
Overall I really enjoyed playing it and would like to see more of this game :)
Have fun playing!
Pretty hilarious and very tricky. Even turned my keyboard to side, so I could do better and it was still hard as hell :)
This game was made in 72h for the #indiesvspewdiepie game jam and reached rank #24 out of 784 games.
Many thanks to all the people that supported us, we couldn't have done it without you.
As a thanks we are releasing an update which contains:
1) New Background
2) New Menu
3) New Menu Music
4) Achievements are now available!
5) Added new Curse: Earthquake!
6) Reworked Laser Power Up!
7) Reduced max speed
8) New and improved Barrels!
9) Added Splash Screen
10) New Death Screen
11) Added tutorial
Once upon a time, there was a kind being named Sebastian. Sebastian was sweet and just, but he just could not pay the bills with sweetness and kindness. So, in order to gather money for Z-stuff, he had no other choice but to ask the Mafia for money. However he could not pay them back. And now he is paying the price...
Q : Up teleport
W : Mid teleport
E : Down teleport
L : Shoot Laser (Power Up)
There are 5 randomized Power Ups and 3 randomized Curses!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence