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Version: 0.9.1over 5 years ago

Quick description

RabbitREMIX is an arcade game with bunnies and mushrooms and stuff (if you think of it, a lot of things does not make sense in this game, but hey, it's a game, after all). I created it to demonstrate the software renderer I had written in C.

Includes online leaderboard (not Game Jolt one, though, since I wanted to write my own. For reasons.)

Version info:

Current version: 0.91. Missing features: Music.


  • Left/right arrow: Move

  • Down arrow: Quick fall

  • Z (on air, press): Double/"air" jump

  • Z (hold after air jump): Flip your ears

  • X (press): Shoot a bullet

  • X (hold and release): Shoot a giant bullet

  • Space: Self-destruct. Having at least two bars full in the star meter gives you an extra life. Use this strike to gain a lot of points

  • Enter: Pause

Xinput gamepads (you know, Xbox pads and the cheap copies of them) are supported. Use thumbstick or dpad for movement, A for (air) jumping, B for shooting, LB (the left shoulder button) for self-destruct

Known bugs

  • Floating point exception happens sometimes, crashing the game. Probably caused by division by zero (or "A mod 0" for some integer A, which is basically the same thing)

  • Sometimes sound effects stop too early or are not played at all

  • On some Windows devices the fullscreen mode does not work properly, that is a portion of the game window is located behind the taskbar

Source code on Github:

#arcade #shooter #softwarerendered #bunny #bunnies #rabbit #rabbits #bananas #hard #retro #leaderboard

Mild Cartoon Violence
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