Comments (20)
I love this game. It's a lot of fun, man. I got through level 1 and 2 so far. Gonna try again this week or weekend and see if I can beat the rest of them. Thanks, dude!
Badass game, my man! I finished it up last night and put the last 3 levels in this video. Great job! I dig it.
Hi, game is pretty cool =)
BTW, not was only five games made with Raycasting Game Maker. I think, almost 100 games was made =)
Welcome to community of Raycasting Game Maker-ers https://vk.com/rgm_gamers and here archive with mostly all games made with RGM https://yadi.sk/d/t91nVF4f3QTRse

Pretty cool, man. I was doing good on my 1st run but then started getting my ass kicked after that 1st death haha
Rabbit-Man 3D Full Game
Killing monsters in dark corridors. Classic! Use your double barrel, tommy-gun and trusty ax to carve your way through the hoards and save your father before it's too late. 5 levels of absolute terror awaits you!
Rabbit-Man 3D is an old school first-person shooter in the same style as Wolfenstein 3D. I made this game on an engine that I found that makes making raycasting games so much easier. However functional, the engine isn't finished. I believe the developer just dropped it after not being so popular. I believe (counting this one) there was only five games made with it. Please, show support to the developer and show him that having an easier way to make these classic shooters is still very important to us all.
EDIT: The game is now fully released. I made it a bit easier and ammo a bit more plentiful, but the five levels that are here are all that I can do with this simple engine. The game was fun to make, but there really isn't enough to work with as far as the engine goes. It was unfinished after all. I hope you enjoy your time with it, anyway. Thank you for playing.
Find it here: https://www.moddb.com/engines/raycasting-game-maker
#horror #adventure #retro #survival #action #fps #wolfenstien3d #oldschool #spooky #rabbit #man
Design, Story and Level Design by Mike Seers
Sound: Freesound.com and royalty free stuff on youtube
Based on the comic of the same name by Mike Seers found here: https://www.facebook.com/rabbitmanofficial