
An emergency has occurred... #horror #retro #pointnclick #survival #other
Something terrible has happened to your workplace...
With only a small radar system at your disposal, you are forced to fend off an unseen horror while trying to escape alive.
What is pursuing you can be warded off with audio lures, but in the end, it will always be after you.
How to play
The game mostly uses your mouse, with arrow keys being used only for cycling through some options, and the escape key only for going back to the title screen.
Ward off the creature by turning off power to charge the distracting audio system. Once the power meter is at it's maximum, press the distract button. Do not turn on power before distracting, as you will have to wait for the meter to go all the way down and then wait for the power meter cooldown.
Once you can do tasks you will have to balance between checking the radar and the tasks.
Websites used: freesound.org, opengameart.org, freemusicarchive.org, and itch.io