
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Love the intro art !

A reversed-Gauntlet :) Nice overall feel and rave music, but I can only see rage, not misanthropy :( Lots of neon colors :)

Nice work. Congratulations and thanks for your game!

Qué guay! El juego está muy bien, encaja muy bien con la temática y la jugabilidad es muy buena. La música se te mete directamente en el cerebro y te dan ganas de matar a todo el mundo XD. Lo habéis hecho con C++ usando SDL a pelote? Vaya tela, jejeje. Enhorabuena!
Cool! The game is really nice, love the theme and the gameplay is quite good. The music gets directly into your brain, so you just want to kill everybody XD. Have you done the game in directly in C++ using SDL? Groovy, hehe. Congrats!

Quite the game. Well done. I included it in part 2 of my Familiar Game Jam Volume 3 compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out!

Greatly frenetic!!!



Version: 1.0.012 months ago


Game for the Familiar Game Jam #3. Theme was misanthropy, so don't expect cute kitties and pink flowers.

You are a german boy who just get pwned at an Unreal match, so you get your keyboard, get out to the streets and start an insane killing spree.

Powered by Löve2D.


SFX by

Thanks to all #familiargamejam3 "orgos"!! : D

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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