
Comments (11)

What do you think?

i like how the old version of HA HA HA = potato's is actually red alert 3 lol

The old version of HA HA HA!1!1 and March of Potatos sound better in my opinion, just sayin’

This project looks interesting, I'm excited to follow the development of this project even if it takes a long time to make ^^!

(Also I lowkey wanna see the Soviet Union as Asriel Dreemurr ngl)

cant wait to play

Original Countrytale by BlooBloo333

  • What does mean RK?

    RK means a nickname abbreviation (RandomKyivlyanin).

  • How will it differ from the original?

    The original Countrytale is built around changing original UT characters and roles to countryballs. My universe will be something similar, but instead of cb there will be countryhumans and most of the roles have removed and added new. Also, the plot will be greatly changed.

Well, I know that such a description is unlikely to interest you, but the project itself is quite "raw" and at the moment I have not even finalized the plot... but I'm not going to give it up.

Discord Server:

#countryhumans #countrytale #undertale

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans

I'm bad at writing long texts, but I need to speak out. I wonder if anyone will read this?

i really don't know what to do lol



And yes, I didn't tell the history and plot of AU, right? Even almost a year I think about them, but I guess soon I will be able to publish it, if you're still interested of universe xD

Hi everyone, I'm alive, sorry for being inactive so long, btw I remade Belarus' themes, so listen it now, if you want (it's quiet)