Comments (16)
I made some challenges!
1. Like Mother,Like son
2. Ladies Night
Inkblot Ortensia:20
Nightmare PN Minnie:20
3. The Tree:
All characters on 20
4. Of mice and men
Inkblot Mickmick:20
Inkblot Donald:20
Inkblot Oswald:20
Nightmare PN Mickey:20
Nightmare Acephalous:20
Nightmare Oswald:20
5. Casual play
All characters on 5
6. Fever
All characters on 10
7. New kids on the block
I hope some people try these challenges!
I actually really liked this game! I just have one problem,like BudCat64XD said,the characters are too aggresive on lower levels.Other than that,7/10,very good!

Good luck bro
This game looks like it's going to be cool.
where's the link to the og game (the troll one) i've been looking for it, and i still can't find it i tried going on links to the gamejolt og game but when i follow it it doesn't show up in my followed games tab
Nightmare Below Disney: Conjured Full Game
Nightmare Below Disney: Conjured Demo

Nightmare Below Disney: Conjured Is a "what if?" game, in which in this case, we're asking, "What if the Radiance Team actually made Nightmare Below Disney instead of baiting us to play 7 Days Free?". This game will be a combination of original ideas, and a pinch of concepts from NBD 2016, NBD 2015, and Other Interpretations of NBD.
The Radiance Team: Current owner of FNATI
Anart1996: Creator of FNATI
Saturn1AV: Sound Design, Concepts (at least most of it), Graphics,
Programming, Miscellaneous stuff
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence