
Comments (75)

What do you think?

This game is a collaberative effort between Michael_V and me.

Sorry for being a grammar Nazi but
"This game is a collaborative effort between myself and Michael_V."
"This game is a collaborative effort between Michael_V and I."

hype is real tho

Here it is! My game! And Salvages! :)

Not making a "cancelled" post will just attract more people into annoying you and asking you, to be honest if the game is cancelled then make a post saying it.

OOF! Lame it got cancelled. It was looking way too awesome! :C



Rocky Entertainment x64

Version: 0.1.0over 5 years ago

Rocky Entertainment x32

Version: 0.1.0over 5 years ago

The canceled fangame of the aspiring modeler Michael_V in its Unreal Engine 4 version.

Important Notice: This game is far from playable, you can only look around your office, toggle your flashlight (Ctrl) and use a single camera (Spacebar), I just think everybody who was waiting for this game has the right to get a small glimpse at what this could've become. Michael_V has completely disappeared from the internet and I don't know what he's up to.

There were multiple instances of an attempt at a Rocky's game, Rocky being Michael_V's original character. The one available here was orginally titled "Five Nights at Rocky's" and was one of the earlier attempts.


Michael_V | Idea, Models, Textures

Salvage | Programming

#fnaf #fangame

#strategy #horror #action #survival #pointnclick #puzzle

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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