Comments (19)
Really cool concept! You should add some pictures of it to this page.
I included it in my Ludum Dare 34 compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out :)

Made a let's play of this game! :)
But take it as a good constructive peacefull criticism, the rating have to be fair with how complex has to be.
Even simple games, for example "Undertale"
Incredible simple but so amazingly complex.
Honest is good, lying is bad.
It's okay but think about that the low ratings are because the game is like: okay I have to press 2 buttons at random then that's all?
I mean that there should be more options to the game, more variety like changing difficulty, custom, multiplayer.
That would be a successful game, trust me.
Anyway my opinion.
The current is ok, it can kill the boredom. :)
Think about 5:30 out of 5:30 seconds.
How? and Why?
A Homer Simpson simulator - Rock, Paper, Shotgun
As none of us is an actual nuclear engineer, we have no idea on how to turn off a nuclear reactor (unless you are a nuclear engineer and you're playing this because you're not allowed to play with the nuclear reactor at work).
Two random letters in your keyboard turn off the reactor. When you press a correct button, one of the lights turns green.
Press both buttons at the same time and hold them to deactivate the reactor.
There's a light next to the button. It can be green or red. If it's green, press spacebar. Otherwise, don't touch anything! You have half a second on each button, so... React! Fast!