
Super Duper
Made an ally!

Scringley Dingley
Made another ally!

Achieve this trophy to view the description.

The 13th Struggle, or lack thereof
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Perfectly Regular Achievement
Perfectly regular description.

Treasure Hunter
Open every chest in the game (not including those within secret rooms).

Eye for Secrets
Find every secret room.

Stolen Credit Card
Have 1,250 currency at the same time.

Good Taste
Have objectively the best opinion on color.

Theater of Greed: Reclaimed
Defeat the final boss.

Conquer the Scrawliseum.

Estuans Interius
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

This Really Was a Real Chronicles
Obtain every other trophy. Wow!!