Comments (6)
Unique idea, it would be nice to have relative rotation rather than a snapping sort, so we can get more precise with weapon aiming. Once you have the swords you are dangerous! You really have the retro arcade vibe going on here, nice job. Check mine out here http://gamejolt.com/games/armechgeddon/80346
The concept is good but the game is too easy at the moment. Once you get 4 swords, it is really hard to die. You could maybe add some enemies that fire projectiles or anything else that really try to kill the player. ;) (4/5)
Love this concept, pretty fun little game. I included it in part 20 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/0xxP_eDxlYI

Red Blocks
If game doesn't register your keystrokes for movement, click the small white bar in the bottom of the screen. It should help capturing the keypresses.
Entry for the #indiesvsgamers jam.
Destroy as many red blocks as you can before they destroy you! Simple concept, but it isn't necessarily as easy as it sounds.
Collect green icons to get weapons to aid you in your "quest". You can have up to four weapons, one on the each side of your block. Spin, sword and shoot your way through the troubles!
Still somewhat in progress. If you encounter issues, or have improvement ideas, let me know. I don't know why, but after Unity has loaded it (bar is all red), it waits for another 10 seconds or so. So please be patient
WASD or arrow-keys: move
Left mousebutton: rotate counterclockwise
Right mousebutton: rotate clockwise
Gun fires automatically
Mild Fantasy Violence