Comments (3)
I suggest that the game will include some random elements/features, like random obstacles, items and enemies (not necessarily procedural generation) for allowing game replaying (Replay value).
I suggest that players will have the option to select the protagonist's gender.
I would like to see a Windows, Mac and Linux versions of the game.
Name Your Price
Early Supporter Build
If you would like to support the production of the game, you could get this build.
Supporting this build will allow me to expand the title to more platforms and add certain features.
Ancient Evils Awakens!!!
Rekstaug Expanded. Going back to the drawing board and bringing you great action platforming! #platformer #arcade #retro #action #gothic
Arrow Keys - Move
Z - Attack
X - Jump
C - SubWeapon
ESC - Pause Game
Controller Supported:
X - Attack
A - Jump
B - SubWeapon
Start - Pause Game
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Comical Shenanigans