Comments (22)
Like all of the other comments, the concept used in this is so good it could be taken to the next level. It's a good platformer, and the feature of using the terminated test dummies is done really well. The graphics aren't half bad, but I can see this becoming a lot more professional with enhanced visuals, such as more character animations, a few particle effects or a better HUD.
Played your game! Was a ton of fun! Recorded for our channel, here's our video if you wanna watch!
Was a great game to play, I like the concept of using your dead bodies to complete the chambers.
It did get a bit repetitive on some levels having to die, just to run back, progress a bit more then die again to make it to the end but overall it was great! (In some places i got stuck between the head of my dead body and a roof/Platform that was above me and it'd take a few seconds for it to allow me past, i'm guessing it thought i was too big to fit through the gap?) Hopefully that makes sense.
if not there is a link here to a Lets Play that i did to this game and it shows what i'm trying to talk about :P Was a great game overall tho.
P.S. I LOVED the sick beats that played as the background music :D
I love these game! :D
Please rate if you like the concept.
Welcome to Renovaman Incorporated
We hope your use of our product testing facility is satisfactory
We offer the latest line of robotic test buddies to suit your company's needs.
You may instruct your test buddy to terminate itself at any time.
Your buddy will be reconstructed and for all intensive purposes reborn at the current test chamber's buddy construction pad.
Disabled buddy bodies may be used for further testing at your convenience.
Please enjoy your stay.
Made in 48 hours. Global Game Jam 2012.
Jonathan Karns - Programmer/Game Designer
Rob Satness - Character Artist/ Sound Designer
Tom Kuharski - Environment Artist/Level Designer
Jessy Gundlach - 2D Artist/Concept Artist/Senior Game Tester
Any constructive criticism is welcomed.