Finish 10 Waves | Normal-Normal | Classic Gamemode
Finish 10 Waves in Normal - Normal or higher in Classic Gamemode
Buyed 1 Or More Of Each Upgrade
You buyed one of each upgrade or more
The Beginner
Start your first game
The Love Of Money
Start a game with Very Easy Money Difficulty
First Enemy Eliminated | Classic Gamemode
You eliminated your first enemy in Classic Gamemode
First Death
You died the first time
"I Don't Want To Lose"
Start a game with Very Easy - Very Easy difficulties
50 Enemies Eliminated | Infinite Gamemode | Normal - Normal
You eliminated 25 enemies in Infinite Gamemode
1 Hour Game Played
You played the game more than one hour
300 Bullets Fired | Total
You fired 300 bullets in total
Unlock The Second Weapon (Classic + Normal-Normal + 50 Waves | 1 Time)
You unlocked the second weapon on the list
Finish 20 Waves | Normal-Normal | Infinite Gamemode
You finished 20 waves in Infinite Gamemode
Clicked The Orb Of Chance The First Time
You clicked the first time the Orb Of Chance
Finish 25 Waves | Normal-Normal | Classic Gamemode
Finish 25 Waves in Normal - Normal or higher
You reached more than 1 Million €
First Max Upgrade
You reached a max upgrade
500 Enemies Eliminated | Classic Gamemode
You eliminated 500 enemies in Classic Gamemode
2,500 Enemies Eliminated | Infinite Gamemode
You eliminated 500 enemies in Infinite Gamemode
6 Hours Game Played
You played the game more than 6 hours
7,500 Bullets Fired | Total
You fired 7500 bullets in total
Start 10 games
Unlock 5 Weapons (Classic + Normal-Normal + 50 Waves | 5 Times)
You unlocked 5 weapons
Finish 50 Waves | Normal-Normal | Infinite Gamemode
You finished 50 waves in Infinite Gamemode
Clicked The Orb Of Chance 25 Times
You clicked 25 times the Orb Of Chance
Finish 50 Waves (All the waves) | Normal-Normal | Classic Gamemode
Finish 50 Waves (All the waves) in Normal - Normal or higher
Maximum Upgrades
You have reach all max upgrades
2,000 Enemies Eliminated | Classic Gamemode
You eliminated 2,000 enemies
10,000 Enemies Eliminated | Infinite Gamemode
You eliminated 2,500 enemies in Infinite Gamemode
1 Day Game Played
You played the game more than one day
40,000 Bullets Fired
You fired 40,000 bullets in total
Start 50 games
Unlock 15 Weapons (Classic + Normal-Normal + 50 Waves | 15 Times)
You unlocked 15 weapons
Clicked The Orb Of Chance 100 Times
You clicked 100 times the Orb Of Chance
Finish 50 Waves (All the waves) | Very Hard - Very Hard | Classic Gamemode
Finish 50 Waves (All the waves) in Very Hard Enemy Difficulty and Very Hard Money Difficulty
Unlock All Weapons (Classic + Normal-Normal + 50 Waves | 32 Times)
You've unlocked all weapons
5,000 Enemies Eliminated | Classic Gamemode
You eliminated 5,000 enemies
50,000 Enemies Eliminated | Infinite Gamemode
You eliminated 50,000 enemies in Infinite Gamemode
One Week Game Played | Total
You played the game more than one week in total
200,000 Bullets Fired
You fired 200,000 bullets in total
"Ok, go out now !"
Start 200 games
"Lucky One"
You clicked 500 times the Orb Of Chance