
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Heya! Looks like a very interesting game and I'd love to continue playing it. I got stuck on the first monster though and after about 25 mins of backtracking and trying different things I just can't seem to beat it. I feel as if I'm missing out on some vital and probably obvious information here :P. I'd really appreciate a hint. (I tried looking at other let'splayers but even then I couldn't seem to figure it out. One of them had a weapon from the beginning named 'black wolf' I've been trying to find it but so far no luck)

Hiya! I featured the demo of Restless Dreams in my weekly article for some of the best free games to check out!

It looks interesting so far, I'm going to make a Lp of the game.
are there copyrighted stuff in the game before I post it on YT?


Restless Dreams Demo v0.20

Version: 0.2.0over 9 years ago
The demo of the game. It showcases the first chapter and the second chapter.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Shut the Future

Restless Dreams (alt. name: Project Gray) is an indie J-RPG x Lovecraftian x Survival horror game currently in development.

It is set six years after the event of Nightmare of the Snow.

Renn Kiriyama is a 22 years old upcoming fighter and university student. One night, he wakes up in a dark sewer where he must find a way out before the ferocious inhabitants of the sewer brutally kill him. As he succeeded in escaping the nightmare, he meets up with his loved one, Haruka. She tells him that the world has ended and he has to save the world, no matter what.

The game features:
-Action Battle System provided by Khas' Sapphire ABS script.
-Crafting survival essential items.
-Hunger and thirst system
-Re-readable notes
-Resident Evil Revelation style HP indicator (only in Normal and Survival Horror mode)
-Three difficulty settings: Amateur, Normal, and Survival Horror

Be sure to check the game's tumblr page for more infos :D


Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Sexual Themes
Comical Shenanigans

February Development Plan