
Return Of The Firefigther
A small ascii roguelike survival game that can be played in English or German.
You are a firefighter who was left behind after an operation. Find the way back to headquarters! #roguelike #survival #ascii
Press [←][↑][→][↓] to move. Move against safety hazards to fight them.
Press [enter] to pick up items
Press [d] to drop items
Press [e] to consume items
Press [w] to wield items
Press [shift + w] to wear items
Press [>] on a > tile to enter another district
Press [<] on a < tile to enter the previous district
Press [?] for help
Unfortunately this game doesn't support touch devices.
Idea & Writing: Wiebke Scholz
Scripting: Based on a Rogue-Like Tutorial by Dominic Charley-Roy using rot.js
Hissing cat sfx by InspectorJ (CC BY 3.0)
More sfx from sonniss.com and freesound.org (CC0)