Comments (7)
This is excellent. You should add screenshots and video!
I'm glad I found this game. It was a nice little experience that I really liked.
As for me, the plot of the game is that you've lost your loved ones and it's dark times for you and your mind. You have to fight through your scares and pain to get through and to get to the truth.
The gameplay is pretty intuitive. You can interact with the world in order to learn more story. There're some weapons of self-defense in case you got cornered.
The game has a nice story. It even touched me and I didn't expect it to do this to me. It has a good pacing, so you learn your character and things that happen around.
The art style is gorgeous. The game is a pixelated 2D platformer but it dosesn't make for bad graphics. I pretty much like all of the environments and the look of everything.
There were some stuff here and there that made things a bit difficult and little frustrating, but, first of all, !!!! [the game got updated since I've experienced it]. !!!! Secondly, it didn't make the whole game worse. It's just things that can be better, IMO. For example, had some problems with a checkpoint. It was too much of a distance to cover in case of dying. It made me concentrate on the technicality of going through the level and forget about the story a little.
All n' all, it's a neat little game that has a lot of potentials. I saw some things that devs were mentioning about the game. I can't wait to see it in action!
I made a playthrough of this game for people, who want to see some reactions to it, so.. here it is:
You should add some screenshots!
RevEarth 1.3
Help Us on Steam Greenlight too!
RevEarth is a sidescrolling game that tells Jessica's story, ex-detective that quit her job to work in a security area of a Science Company, to have more time and less stress to focus on her family. But after an accident in the company, she goes into a coma, now that she woke up, everything is a mess and she must find her family.
We want the player to feel in an immersive world and be intrigued enough to make their own quests to find answers and know more about the story that surrounds the game.
RevEarth has a lot to explore. The player can find a lot of information about the story, answer a lot of questions and make a lot of theories that surrounds RevEarth's universe. The developers leave that up to the player.
We want the player to feel how hard RevEarth can be, by getting envolved in situations that must be solved with logic or guns!
You will find guns and meele weapons, but you have to be wise and choose when to use.
Key Features:
Dark atmosphere.
A very deep story to explore!
Immersive inventory.
Retro gameplay style.
A huge map to explore!
Planned features:
Hunger system.
Day/Night cycles.
Survival mode.
Multiplayer (Local and Network).
More weapons and monsters.
More playable characters.
Companions (Survivors, dogs and even monsters).
Seems like you were dreaming for a time, now that you woke up, everything seems so different. Your apartment is a mess, the city is very quiet, TVs and radios are just static. You search for you family and can’t find them. You are very confused and worried about them.
Your last memory was an accident in the company, you don't quite remember what happened.
But you know what you want… Find your family.
If you want to experience the atmosphere and see the idea of how the game is going to be, you can play the Demo we prepared for you and see more about the gameplay on the trailer.
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed