
Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie Hunt (Atari 2600 version)
SEIZURE WARNING: Screen flashes upon successful boss fight
Note: While steps have been taken to prevent the program from crashing on Windows 8, it has not yet been tested on one. If it does crash on your Windows 8, playing it on Windows Vista/7/10, and likely XP too, would solve the problem.​
A classic, “true” Atari 2600 version of my earlier game of the same name (which is based off of the NDS game Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ) for retrophiles such as myself. This is a version of the game that imitates what it might have been like if it were on an actual Atari 2600 (complete with necessary flickering), plus having the more limited graphical capabilities (for most of the sprites) for a more classic feel.
The overall difficulty of the standard game has been toned down (partially to imitate the NDS game more and partially because it’s an Atari home port) and a few suggestions from my players of the original (mine) have been incorporated into the game, but this game has 2 difficulty settings (that being my emphasis of the game) and allows you to play as either Little Red Riding Hood or Momotaro, which is something I initially planned for the original game but scrapped in the end.
Both of the difficulty switches affect the game, though the “free-aiming” from the original has been taken away due to this being an Atari version.
My original idea was to have all the bosses as variations of Alice, but later decided to have distinct bosses like in the original. Part of this is employed through the A setting for the right difficulty switch, which adds formerly planned extra difficulty to the bosses that may not necessarily be fair.
Like many Atari 2600 games, the goal of this game is to get a high score, and there are thus no continues if you lose all your lives. The lives were originally going to be indicated by hearts but they could easily overlap with the score, which is why the number was chosen. Includes a demo screen which plays before the game is started and after game over.
The new boss was added after the first 2 planned versions. He was also originally planned planned for either my original game or its sequel, but later scrapped.