Comments (47)
I played through the whole demo, and it kept me wanting to come back to it until I did. It's great that there's a reason to get collectibles (upgrades) and, even though the volume was a tad too high, the settings instantly let me fix it. Very positive overall, I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
Game looks great, unfortunatley I cannot play it. Every time I press start game I just get a black screen until I exit.
With smooth and simple gameplay, consistency in style, and gorgeous background no wonder it kicks so much ASS.
I Beat It 18 Times now
OMG gr8 game u need 2 keep going i will play all of it.
Rifter will be released soon! Head on over to http://store.steampowered.com/app/625740/Rifter to wishlist the game and stay up-to-date!
Lightning fast and action packed, Rifter is the love child of Dust Force, Bionic Commando and Hotline Miami, mixed with acrobatics and parcour. Run and gun and swing and dash in this glorious neon-colored platformer.
Lightning fast and action packed gameplay
Run, swing and dash your way through 50+ levels
Boss fights against huge enemies
Stay fast and agile, avoid enemy attacks and strike back with your gun and your sword
Discover secrets and complete challenges to unlock new areas and better gear
Pumping 80s synthwave soundtrack
Compete online for the best level times and scores
"Crazyawesome pre-alpha-early-access-or-so release of Rifter. It's the ninja rope from Worms on steroids and crack." - @MercuryLegba
Rifter is still in development. That's why it's free, that's why I'm actively looking for feedback! Please, check it out and tell me what you think! :)
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence