
Comments (2)

What do you think?

amazing mod, i love this

though sometimes the gallow hangman inputs don't work even when you use the correct combo, and the non-joy Harold fight is pretty easy, like megaman100 said

Hey now this is a big step up!

I think this was the first mod I had fun playing beginning to end!
It felt balanced enough and fun to play
The only problems I can think about is that the Harold is a lil weak in the non joy roughs and that some inputs with the hangman game did not work right but other than that it was a really fun mod to play!

Keep up the good work!


[1.0] Ring Enforcer Revamp

Version: 1.0.1over 3 years ago

Played Vegaful? Underwhelmed by Harold's attempts to brutally murder Jerry The Warlord Slayer? Here's his lucky chance!

  • Receive a whole new moveset for Vega's best disposable!

  • Down the Joy and face a whole new Harold!

  • Double Gallow Assault.

The LISA franchise is made by Austin Jorgensen. LISA: The Vegaful is made by Frowgurt. Additional assets were taken from SOWTS (made by JCJimmy), Timeless (made by Torrington and the rest of the Russian Archives), Hopeful (made by Taco Salad), Ice In Chains or made by me! This game was playtested by AlterReaper / SpecterReaper.


#fangame #rpg

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Drug Use

Update 1.0.1 is out!

- Fixed a bug that makes Jerry walk to the right forever when you win after taking two Joy pills.

Thank you for downloading!