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RNGsus 7800

Version: 0.2.3almost 8 years ago

This is my 4th Len’en fangame and is part of the Touhou/Len’en 2600 series. The main boss in the game is Xeno a, and Tenkai is the mid-boss. I originally had plans for Suzumi, but wasn’t able to fit her in neatly, so she only makes a cameo here.

New feature: Attract power-ups with focus

I’m unsure how enjoyable this game would be to Len’en fans cause the spells aren’t exactly original. I felt like remaking (with small changes) the easiest and most signature spells of Xeno a from BPoHC, and I also started to use more GML here, which I haven’t before. Regardless, this was enjoyable to make, and I find the spells nice to look at.

There’s a type of spell (namely “Won Jackpot”) which I’ve tried to avoid since it’s RNG-based, and before, I made sure that spells like these had some sort of safe zones, like the similar attack by Gretel in Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie Hunt and its Atari 2600 version. I decided to put it in mostly cause the original spellcard “Jackpot” seems kinda undodgeable too haha.

I originally had a more ideas for spellcards, such as a Yahtzee where 5 dice get thrown and they all end up having the same number, a dedicated “Dice Appointment” spell where only non-shooting dice are shot and bounce around the screen, a more faithful “Dealer Time”, a non-spell featuring cards that rush down quickly and 1 card disappearing (so you must weave through the gap quickly), and partially “If the World” (and also a Suzumi non-spell). However, I wanted to keep with my 5 card tradition (and also I’m somewhat lazy to change everything to cater for 6 attacks), so I dropped the Xeno a non-spell idea, didn’t put in the Yahtzee one (as it was somewhat similar to my existing dice spell), and essentially combined my original “Dice Appointment” with “Dealer Time” (as I had both ideas for the final attack), and the name “Dice Appointment” became reassigned to my existing dice spell (as the name was a promised in-joke).

The title screen was based off of that of EE, and I always thought the Atari music reminded me of the EE menu theme, so I finally was able to put it in here.

It is also the first game which I named 7800 (as opposed to 2600) as I, after looking into the 7800 relatively recently, found out that the graphical style more resembles the Atari 7800 rather than the Atari 2600, which I originally went for at the start of the Touhou 2600 series but quickly dropped in favour of slightly more aesthetic graphics.
#shooter #touhou #lenen #bullethell #bullet #hell #danmaku #retro #atari #arcade

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