Comments (4)
great remake for a great game!
Good effort but the game Road Fighters by Vivek is better
those old nes games are hard. I didn't crash once but didn't make it to the checkpoint. I guess you didn't have to include the controls but I didn't know options allowing you to customize the controls and somehow ended up having to refresh. excellent game to remake. its a lot of fun. the only thing that is kind of disappointing is that you didn't try to remake it with touch controls. youre remaking an ancient system so it would be neat to run them on a portable system like iphone or an android phone. very underrated.
Road Fighter
Road Fighter - remake of MSX game by Brain Games.
In 2003 the people from Retro Remakes organized a remake competition for the first time. The idea was to create a remake from scratch in a short amount of time. We decided to participate with a remake of the MSX game Road Fighter: a simple racing game that would be doable before the deadline and still be fun to play (oh the nostalgia!).
In the end we met the deadline (barely!) and sent in our entry. When finally the results came in, we finished 7th out the 83 entries. Not too bad for a 2 month project :)
Source code available at Bitbucket - Road Fighter
Original source code by Brain Game - Road Fighter