Comments (4)
The graphics are fucking awesome, but its prety buggy. How you do the low resolution effect? looks great.
It's a good start to a game, but there are a lot of issues. Although most of them are easily fixable! As for how long I played, I died from touching the glowing blue blob, which is kind of lame because normally glowing colorful things = items.
I like the look of the game, but I don't like how inconsistent the background is from the foreground. Sometimes you can stand on parts of the level that appear to be in the background and sometimes you can't. It's also annoying how precise the hit detection is. I shouldn't have to jump over a 1, 2, or 3 pixel high ledge, I should be able to walk over it naturally or you should change your hit boxes to be more rectangular and not automatic detect every individual pixel.
It's also annoying how slow you slide down walls. I know it's for the walljump (which should have been explained better), but it could be a little faster. Speaking of which, it's very strange how you have to go out of the level boundaries to progress at some points. That should really never happen. You should have a good view on your player at all times, and walking out of bounds is bad for that. Maybe add a view that follows the player horizontally and vertically so you can add more verticality to your levels?
One last thing of note, you really need to explain mechanics better. Everything is very hard to understand, and not in a good way. At the very beginning for instance, I was given the option to switch between two weapons for seeming no reason. The game didn't say what the difference between the guns were, and it's somewhat unnecessary to have the option to change so early. Since the player doesn't even know what his/her current weapon is, why change it? I don't even know what triggers a gun swap. At one point I was standing in some arbitray location and a blue square showed up, which apparently means I can switch my gun.
So yeah, you have a lot of good here already. The gun feels good to use, the effects are really nice, the game is interesting to look at and very stylized. It just needs some more polish. Hope this was helpful!
Robo Jungle Hunt
Dear hunter, firstly thankyou for participating in our hunt. Please beware that Prototype G is extremely dangerous and there is great risk in destroying it. As there are great rewards for doing so. Fabacorp appreciates your assistance. Oh and there may be other hunters seeking the reward, watch out for them and good luck to you.
ROBO JUNGLE HUNT is a quick little game I jammed together in a very short time. I consider it finished as I won't be updating and there are some tiny little bugs. If anything goes wrong the R key will restart.