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Robotics Beta

Version: 0.1.0over 1 year ago

at this time... we are living on space. and all needed stuff in earth was transferred to space. since we can stay on space, the "Earth" has forgotten for almost everyone around 100 years. but the one scientist that remeber the earth just found the weired planet. like the earth, that planet has the leaf and water and animals. teaming up with the robot developer and enginner, they sent the one robot into that planet...

this game is about a building colony to survive and research a planet like earth.

do a craft from a digged resource, build a colony with a crafted tiles,

and then, research about a planet, and escape from planet.

but well, these feature is even not released yet...

i was not good at story thing

and hey, this was the project that im trying to post to contest.

Collaborator : @nikuman_tarou

(im not recuruiting people since contest dont allow)

#survival #robot





Robot is dancing with bug

New movements! now we can slide off edge of block to move more fast and as cool!
(im not excepted to robot is moving faster than actual gameplay)

noo my some gifs are captured on 30fps but its played as 60fps wtf... soo it means gif are working on x2 speed

crafting was done and somehow its on storage gui

also now can take items from storage :)

(gif broken?)

・just the ladder but instantly climbs it
・no longer robot will detect trigger as collidable

bruh i really hates all bug....
but anyway i done the storage with UI yay
but still bugs aaaaaaa

Soo i done the Storage with some bugs so im going to fix it

wooow... duuude... ok so... um... ill back to the work because i saw that... alr ill actually back to working on this and just make storage and... maybe pathfinding? lemme get help for pathfinding somewhere later

I just made Piskel importer for just... me?
but you can get the these things from github!!!

Read article for links and something

ah i realized i have some thing on the week omg...