
Comments (18)

What do you think?

I can't play and value it properly... The not centered screen doesn't get on its original position!! I've tried it at all!

Pretty cool!, I really like the character sprites!

This is an amazing punch-out like game <3

Love the graphics! Funny ending as well. I included it in part 3 of my Familiar Game Jam 4 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

muy churrulo :troll:


Rock Out!

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Game developed for #familiargamejam4 in 48 hours!

Rock, A. Pollo and Tommy machinegun are trying to be back home totally toothless.

Get your boxing gloves on and help Rock to win the world championship and become the churro master.

Rock, A. Pollo y Tommy Machinegun están intentando volver a casa totalmente desdentados.

Coge tus guantes de boxeo y ayuda a Rock a ganar el campeonato del mundo y conviertete en el maestro churrero.

This game has been created by:

  • Developer: David López @hagamosvj (Twitter)

  • Art Dessigner: Daniel Cisneros @ CEREALKILLER677 (Twitter)

  • Music & FX: Paltian @_Paltian (Twitter)

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