Comments (5)
Super challenging game! I made a little video of the android version of the game here - https://youtu.be/Cl239GbS9eE

This is a cool game, and I've played it enough to have music reset.
Gotta play a bit more now, so I can have 2 powers on my ship at the same time.
It's tough! I can't get any fun from this game
Hey guys, I just finished my video and I think the game is pretty good! Check out my full review/gameplay here if you want:https://youtu.be/Dt2lJAEYsEs
Keep up the good work!
curses, this game is hard :)
Get your jets ready for the adventure of a lifetime, the time for discovery and travel is now yours. Be warned however, space's many dangers await in this arcade style spacefest. So strap on those belts and tighten your maximum-absorbency-garments, because that ship won't fly itself!
Mouse left click to select options
left/'a' to activate left thruster
right/'d' to activate right thruster
space to use spin out
1, 2, 3, to activate unlocked abilities
esc to pause
Take it with you on Android:
IOS version coming soon!