Comments (1)
Hello there!
Rodlatt is a retro-themed DOOM styled first person shooter game I've been working on for at least an year now. The game takes inspiration from several other franchises, and establish a well-defined storyline which is interesting to the player.
At the time the engine is mostly complete, and the game is in the alpha stage. There is currently no playable demo, however I expect one to be there by the end of May. I am not a professional, hence, please do not expect me to fully adhere to my deadlines. There might often be a difference of a week here and there or so.
* Where is the official site?
Not there, yet. It is very likely I would work on one. But, for now this is the official page, site, ..., whatever you want to call it.
* Is it based off DooM?
No, not really. It is inspired from DooM, and the gameplay elements of both the games are very similar. However, the game is a totally different game from DooM, with a totally different objective. (The screenshots might suggest that the game will contain artwork similar to DooM, but they are only placeholders for now)
* When will the game be released?
No idea. I expect an alpha to be out by the end of May. Maybe, a full version by December. (Again, do not rely on the deadlines to be absolute.)
* What platforms would the game run on?
Only x86 Windows PCs for now.
* System Requirements?
Even though the game looks very simplistic, it still uses a lot of resources. A minimum of 1GB RAM with a decent x86 CPU (An i3 at least?). Of course, you'd need a decent GPU too, although the engine currently seems to work well on an integrated Intel 3000 chipset.
* Why are the system requirements so high? Didn't DooM run on 4MiB of RAM on a 386?
Because I'm a shitty programmer. Also, this is 2016.
* Will it be modable?
Yes! The game loads all it's resources (including the maps, sprites. cutscene information etc.) from a PK3 zip file. The engine also features a script compiler which can compile and run user generated code on the fly, allowing them to modify the game, program certain behaviours, and display certain items on the screen.
* Do you accept donations? (Does this game have a kickstarter/indiegogo/... page?)
It is rather absurd if you wish to donate since this game is in a very early phase, but no. I do not accept donations.
* I want to contribute...
It is very nice of you to say, but I do not accept contributions at this point.
* How far are you in the developmental process?
The engine so far has been complete, I am currently working on getting the storyline together and the level design, and of course, bug fixing.