Comments (25)
Fun game! I included it in my GDC Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/6vFQeI1bvQA

Cool idea. It seems slow paced at first but before I knew it, I was struggling to keep up and it got pretty intense! Please check out my entry if you get a chance http://gamejolt.com/games/screen-shakers/124640.
Really fun game, like the way you build the level as a player! Played, voted, livestreamed here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgO6RGJLVKU I also made a game in the jam, if you have time give "Moments from the Past" a play & vote!
Fast-paced and fun. Brilliant work!
I finally got around to playing and recording this and I have to say that this was really fun! Keep up the great work on this :) I really hope to see more from you in the future. The jumps were really useful for picking up the cogs but i couldn't get to higher blocks by using it haha! It was tricky at times but still, I had a blast. Here's my gameplay video :)
Thank you for telling me about this!
The concept was to play the level designer instead of the character in this "turn around" platformer. Not because I am a lazy developer and did not want to create any levels though :D. It's basically a endless runner / platformer where you have to keep the robot from falling down the level or destroying himself in other obvious ways. Let him pickup cogs to place more blocks in the level and get to a further distance.
On top you currently have 4 block which you can select and place onto the field.
Create a platform for the robot to walk upon using these blocks.
Righ click to deselect a block and without a block selected right clicking will remove a block and refund 1/2 of the funds. (BONUS TIP: remove the random blocks you are not planning to use to get extra resources)
Blocks cost resources displayed on the top left with the rotating cog. When you run out of resources the robot is doomed to fall down the pit.
Let the robot pickup more cogs in the play field to be able to increase your resource count and be able to place more blocks and reach a higher distance.
Those menacing rotating blades are as lethal as they look.
Fill in your name when you reach a highscore, otherwise my name will be put on the list :D.
In the short period of testing I did not find any game breaking bugs.
The robot will jump through blocks like in most platformers. But once it walks through a block it will fall down. (While this can be a gameplay feature this is concidered a bug)
Sometimes the background starts stretching but this never happened for the background while playing.
You can actually remove blocks behind the robot and get refund for all blocks this way. If you have lightning speed mouse control you can save a lot of resources this way. However this feature will be removed from later versions as this is not intentional.
There will be a small tutorial with pointers how to play
More blocks will be introduced, longer blocks that save you time but cost more money for example. Perhaps I introduce lethal falls and a elevator block that brings the bot down faster then those ramps.
I have not looked at the Game Jolt API but I would love to integrate a online score and achievement system and perhaps use some (other) cool features of the API.
Options screen with obvious controllers for volume and who knows.
More obstacles... TNT....? :D
Particle effects?
Better looking robot? I need help on that part, I wasted about 4 hours making a robot asset and eventually my place holder (current robot) was the best I had.
I really wanted a HTML build but I could not get that running. So I will have some more tinkering to do for this.
If you have any other sugestions let me know, I would love to hear about them and might implement it.
This is my entry for the #gjgdcjam and I had more then a ton of fun making it. At the moment of writing I'm still improving the game but it is fully playable already and "should" be stable. This is actually the first game jam I'm participating and will not be the last for sure, thanks for this opportunity Game Jolt!